Interpreting the Big Picture: Kregel Windmill Factory Museum

While each museum must interpret their specific mission, whether it’s a specific history or technology, sometimes interpreting a similar topic within the region is beneficial.  It can show how a particular museum’s mission falls into the regional or national scope.

Although known primarily for agriculture, Nebraska, and Nebraska City, have their own legacy of industrial manufacturing.  Many well known national companies such as Faultless Casters and Argo Starch have their origins in Nebraska City.  While these companies were lured away to other states offering either better transportation routes or proximity to primary markets or raw materials; many of Nebraska City’s early industries such as the Kregel Windmill Factory faded away as emerging technologies passed them by.  Why some companies were able to adapt to new manufacturing trends and public demands while others could or would not is a topic that can be seen on a national stage.

A great example of a regional company that was able to adapt and thrive through changing times is the Cushman Motor Works Company of Lincoln.  On Saturday evening, November 5, the Kregel Windmill Factory Museum will be hosting Dr. Mary Kay Quinlan of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Journalism and Mass Communications. At 7:00 that evening Quinlan will present “The People Who Made it Work; A Centennial History of the Cushman Motor Works”. As this is a Humanities Nebraska event, there is no admission to the museum or presentation. This is a great opportunity to learn more about a regionally well known company as well as learning the lesson of adaptability in changing times.  It is such another example of how a museum can show how its mission fits into the region’s overall history.

Kregel Windmill Factory Museum
1416   Central Avenue
Nebraska City, NE
Phone: 402-873-1078
Hours: Tuesday-Saturday: 10am-5pm, Sunday: noon-5pm. Monday: Closed

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